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Sometimes we don’t bother to develop pleasant activities. It’s true that sometimes it’s easier to forgo the pleasant activities in life… easier, yes- better, no. Sometimes we’re too are too depressed, tired, over- worked, or overwhelmed to make the effort. Other times, we mistake pleasant activities to be these big giant things that take planning and strategy and […]

The Life Changing Magic of Pleasant Activities

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If we have chatted for any amount of time in the past year or so- you know I’m on a mission to use “AND” more as opposed to “BUT.”  And allows for an addition to, but stops us right where we are.   We had a snow ice day week this past week and it was beautifuland […]

Snow Days & Change & Consistency

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I have had the greatest honor and best adventures of spending New Year’s around the world. I’ve celebrated in Costa Rica, England, Malaysia, and Greece. Costa Rica is the most sentimental- and Greece is the most heartbreaking. Recently I came across a blog post I wrote on January 1st of 2014- my Malaysian New Year. […]

Embracing the New Year: A few words on Perspective

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Boundaries. We love to make them and not follow through on them. And we love to make an ultimatum and call it a boundary. A healthy boundary is more than just a declaration; it is a commitment to ourselves and those around us. It’s the framework that ensures respect and understanding in our relationships.  The […]

Healthy Holiday Boundaries: Enhancing Relationships and Protecting Your Mental Health